Unfaithful punished
His promises of reconciliation. The LORD’s Mercy on Israel (14-23):
1. This passage may not directly talk about ‘the Restoration on Babylonian captivity.’ But in a way yes it does, because RESTORATION is the major theme in the PLAN OF GOD.
2. This is also a prophecy on the eternal salvation of mankind through Jesus Christ.
3. A message of hope for all those who are saved and struggle with sin. God will do anything in order to teach us and restore us.
4. This is also is about the final redemption of the Church of Jesus Christ. This also includes God dealing with Israel for one more time in the future at the end of this world during the Return of our LORD Jesus Christ.
V. 14…I will allure her…speaking tenderly to her… God will not ambush his Children but allure us. wilderness…This is not a place of punishment but a place of PRIVACY.
V. 15…valley of Achor… Achor mean ‘trouble.’ The valley of Achor was where Achan was crushed (Joshua 7:25 & 26). But for the people of Israel who accepts this wilderness which is a place privacy with God will turn into a place of enjoying the provision of God.
Vs. 16 & 17…in that day… it is not a calendar day, but the day in which God allures His children to wilderness and His children also accept the wilderness with joy, hear the words of God, and repent of their ways. …cal me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer … ‘my Baal’… Calling God as ‘My husband’ is in order to make clear her devotion to the LORD, God and not to Baal. The relationship will be like a FAMILY AFFECTION.
Vs. 18…make covenant for them with the beasts of the field… This primarily talks about the ‘State of Eden. ” For them refers to the Israelites who are recipients of the covenant announced in 1:10–11. The terms for the animals here evoke Genesis 1–2, where man in his created condition had a proper dominion over them; hence Israel is in its restored condition living out the creational ideal, which was the goal of God’s redemption. – ESV Study Bible.

Also, this talks about the end time RESTORATION STATE, which takes beyond the Garden of Eden stage, the NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH in the millennial kingdom. …to lie down safely… promise of a life with peace. As Christians, we can enjoy the life with peace now itself in Jesus Christ.

Vs. 19 & 20…betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in lovingkindness and mercy…in faithfulness……
Recovery is described as a renewed betrothal. The betrothal, a marriage agreement, is established by the payment of a bride price to the bride’s father (2 Sam. 3:14), a practice still found in the Arab world. The bride price paid is righteousness, justice, steadfast love, and mercy. These attributes come only from the Lord (Ex. 34:6–7) and are precisely what Israel desperately lacks. This is in harmony with the divine initiative represented by the many “I wills” in Hosea. – ESV Study Bible.

God promises through this wedding vows a relationship characterized by permanence, right standards, fair treatment, love unfailing, tenderness, security, and continuing self-revelation.

Vs. 21 – 23…in that day… In nutshell this passage talks about the reversal of punishment, removal of cures, and about the day in which the marriage is again consummated. The grain, wine, and oil will be replenished. Jezreel means God will sow. Also, we get the idea that oil and grain will not simply come to us because we seek. The ultimate answer should proceed from the LORD to heavens, and heavens to earth, and earth to oil and grain, and then the oil and grain to Jezreel.
‘No Mercy’ – Lo-ruhama….. ‘Not My people’ – Lo-ammi

Hosea 3 – A New Contract… A Renewed Covenant.
The prophet enters into a new contract, representing the gracious manner in which God will again restore Israel under a new covenant.

A call for renewed Covenant (1-3):
The dislike of men to true religion is because they love objects and forms, which allow them to indulge, instead of mortifying their lusts. How wonderful that a holy God should have good-will to those whose carnal mind is enmity against Him! Here is represented God’s gracious dealings with the fallen race of mankind, that had gone from him. This is the covenant of grace he is willing to enter into with them, they must be to him a people, and he will be to them a God. They must accept the punishment of their sin, and must not return to folly. And it is a certain sign that our afflictions are means of good to us, when we are kept from being overcome by the temptations of an afflicted state. – Mathew Henry Concise Commentary

V. 1…a woman… Though the name of the woman is not mentioned here, God is still talking about Gomer, wife of Hosea. It is not about another woman because God is still talking about the Nation of Israel, God is pursuing. So, God renews the call of Hosea to love his wife who has returned to her immoral life-style. …love of the LORD for the children of Israel…God says that HE still loves the people of Israel, His spiritual unfaithful wife. …loves the raisin cakes of the pagan… It may be a ritual food in the Canaanite cult.
V. 2…bought her… A slave’s price is 30 shekels, so Hosea pays part of the price in silver and part in goods.
V. 3…you shall stay with me many days … This is a God-appointed forced extensive segregation, a period of absence of those things that constituted Israel’s whoredom. This waiting period is a period of sanctification and cleansing. Also, v. 4 infers us that this waiting period refers to the time of exile which is for a time of repentance and sanctification.

The application of the parable to Israel Verses (4-5):
V. 4…many days without king or prince, sacrifice,…sacred pillar,…ephod… This refers to the exilic period where they wouldn’t have a king of their own, and now prescribed worship system. In verse 3, God says, “so too, will I be towards you,” which means that God also wait for them during this trying times. …without…teraphim. Teraphims were household gods’ images which are forbidden by God. During their baal worship they had them, so God is telling them that they should avoid those teraphims also. If they don’t continue in their unbelief, they will be grafted in.” Rom. 11:23.
V. 5…David, their king… This is significant for Israel, the northern Kingdom, for they have revolted against the David’s line for more than 200 years. Rejecting David’s line is to reject God’s covenant with David. So, turning back to call David, their King is a must in order to participate in God’s covenant fully. It was the intention of God to honor HIS covenant with David (2 Sam 7:8-16). The Supreme King for God’s people will come, as the son of David. Seeking David, their King on top of seeking God, the Father is seeking the Son of David to be their Savior.

The application of this chapter:
They must long sit like a widow, stripped of all joys and honours; but shall at length be received again. Those that would seek the Lord so as to find him, must apply to Christ, and become his willing people. Not only are we to fear the Lord and his greatness, but the Lord and his goodness; not only his majesty, but his mercy. Even Jewish writers apply this passage to the promised Messiah; doubtless it foretold their future conversion to Christ, for which they are kept a separate people. Though the first fear of God arise from a view of his holy majesty and righteous vengeance, yet the experience of mercy and grace through Jesus Christ, will lead the heart to reverence so kind and glorious a Friend and Father, and to fear offending him. – Mathew Henry Concise Commentary