Naaman’s leprosy healed, and Kehazi stricken with leprosy.
Naaman’s leprosy and Israeli servant. (1-8):
V. 1:…by him the LORD had given victory to Syria… This could be the reference to the war between Ahab and Syria in 1 Kings 22:29–36 in which Ahab died. Also, it looks like Syria did not quarantine lepers.
V. 2:…little girl from the land of Israel… Syrians are known for raiding Israel during harvest time to take grains and take as many as people they want to work in their palaces and homes.
V. 3:…prophet…would cure him of his leprosy… The lessons from this girl.
1. She was taught in the things of the LORD and His prophets,
2. She did not forget her God in a distressed situation in a distance land,
3. Love your enemies and do good to their evil to you,
4. She was a blessing to others wherever she was by seeking master’s good,
5. Overcame the fear of people in high place, and
6. Even though she was a slave and servant, she was trustworthy that the great man trusted her information.
Vs. 5-7:…Am I God to kill and make alive…see how he is seeking a quarrel… Israeli king Jeboram became alarmed for the request from Syrian king was provoking a fight. …tore his cloths… He was scared and filled with sorrow.
V. 8…come now to me, that he may know that there is a prophet in Israel… though it seems like Elisha is talking about himself rather than God, it should be understood that there are representatives of God and worshippers of Jehovah in the land of Israel.
The cure of the leprosy. (9-14):
V. 9: …Stood at the door of Elisha’s house… Naaman was expecting personal attention from the prophet V. 11.
V. 10: sent a messenger…to and wash in the Jordan seven times… Naaman was looking for a cure, and Elisha apparently offers only ritual cleansing.
V. 12: …Are not Abna and Pharpar…better than all the waters of Israel… Naaman’s pride about his land, river and waters shows his foolishness. He was comparing waters and ritual of Israelite religion and nation with the same of Syria.Namaan was so proud about the waters that are useless to help his grave situation. Pride of man speaks against his own benefit and blessing. …went away in rage… Naaman’s pride turned his ignorance into rage.
V. 13…If the prophet had told you to do something greatl… Naaman’s servants understood that it was not about simple cleansing, but healing. So, they convinced him to follow the words of the prophet of the LORD.
V. 14…flesh was restored like the flesh of a little Child… Naaman’s skin became soft and sensitive from a rough and numb. The blood of Jesus Christ heals our hearts transform it to be sensitive and soft.
Human wisdom thinks it can supply wiser and better methods of cleansing….The methods for the healing of the leprosy of sin, are so plain, that we are without excuse if we do not observe them. It is but, Believe, and be saved; Repent, and be pardoned; Wash, and be clean. The believer applies for salvation, not neglecting, altering, or adding to the Saviour’s directions; he is thus made clean from guilt, while others, who neglect them, live and die in the leprosy of sin. – Mathew Henry Concise Commentary.
Elisha refuses Naaman’s gifts. (15-19):
V. 16…I will receive none…he refused…The gift was so much and overwhelming.
V. 5…10 talents of silver is about 750 pounds (341 kg). 6,000 shekels is about 150 pounds (68 kg) of gold. It was God who healed. It is his soul more than the wealth of Syria. And it was NOT THE TIME (KIROS) time to receive gift from a person from the enemy land. God honor was kept.
V. 17…two mules loads of earth… Naaman wanted to build an altar for the God of Israel to worship HIM. What a change!
V. 18…may the LORD pardon… Naaman’s dilemma is that he will still be required in the course of his official duties to attend the temple of Rimmon.
V. 19…Go in peace… was Elisha’s response. Yes, God understands.
Gehazi’s covetousness and falsehood. (20-27):
V. 20-22…I will run…and get something…
Gehazi either has not grasped the meaning of what has happened or does not care; he tries to “cash in” on an act of God (cf. Joshua 7; Acts 8:18–24) by means of a story designed to explain a change of heart on Elisha’s part (he has two new arrivals to provide for). – ESV Study Bible.
V. 23…accept two talents…of silver… 2 talents of silver is close to 70 kgs (150 pounds).
Vs. 24-26…was it time to accept money and garments,…?
Gehazi’s aspirations to wealth have led him to forget the Lord Deuteronomy 6:10-12…
V. 27…Leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you…
It is folly to presume upon sin, in hopes of secrecy. When thou goest aside into any by-path, does not thy own conscience go with thee? Does not the eye of God go with thee? He that covers his sin, shall not prosper; particularly, a lying tongue is but for a moment. All the foolish hopes and contrivances of carnal worldlings are open before God. It is not a time to increase our wealth, when we can only do it in such ways as are dishonourable to God and religion, or injurious to others. Gehazi was punished. If he will have Naaman’s money, he shall have his disease with it. What was Gehazi profited, though he gained two talents, when thereby he lost his health, his honour, his peace, his service, and, if repentance prevented not, his soul for ever? Let us beware of hypocrisy and covetousness, and dread the curse of spiritual leprosy remaining on our souls. – Mathew Henry Concise Commentary.